Everything began in the summer of 1921 in Poznań, when Bronisław Lewandowski concluded commercial negotiations with Georg Pfeiffer for “taking into possession”, as the company’s first advertising brochure recounts, the bookbinding workshop at Kozia Street number 4, or more precisely corner of Kozia and Jezuicka (today Świętosławska) streets. On the 1st of July 1921, a company was born which over the course of the years became a legend. Further address changes in the old city marked new chapters in the company’s story. The fates of four generations of the family have become inextricably linked with the history of the city.
The interwar years were a time of growth for Bronisław Lewandowski’s company, focused on building market position. Bronisław also took an active part in local society, and in professional associations. He was instrumental in the creation of an artistic bookbinding workshop at the Higher School of Decorative Arts in Poznań, a precursor to today’s University of Fine Arts. Lewandowski also contributed articles to industry publications, including for the Polish Bookbinders’ Gazette.